Ted Hill Saud Anwar
Lucy Hill Cathy Belanger
Lillie Tierney Anne Rash
Mary Wehrle Mary Romney
Tom Gorin Sheila Appleton
Larry Grasso Kacee Erhard
Cindy Moeckel Barbara Pivarnik
Diane Giggey Susan Hacking
Dick Long Amy Moore
Judy Belek Judy McChesney
Mary Ertel Jeannette Picard
+ Mike McHugh Margaret Kirk
Elizabeth McGuire Jane Moynihan
+Ruth Moynihan Peter Kirk
Elizabeth Wicks Maryanne Brennan
Paul Wicks Hannah Thompson
+Philip Schaab Marie Smith
Rabbi Jeff Glickman Lorraine Cloutier
Susan Moynihan Mindy-Lu Rader Glickman
Please contact us if you would like to join the list of friends! We need volunteers to help us give girls a chance by sending them to the only free school for girls in Haiti.